Contact IR

Contact Exelixis IR

Investor Relations and Public Affairs
Phone: 650-837-8194
Fax: 650-837-8205

Transfer Agent For Exelixis

For any inquiries regarding transfer requirements, lost stock certificates and address changes, please contact our transfer agent.

Computershare Investor Services
P.O. Box 505000 
Louisville, KY 40233-5000 
Phone: 800-676-0894 

Private Couriers/Registered Mail: 
Computershare Investor Services 
462 South 4th Street, Suite 1600 
Louisville, KY 40202 

Telephone Numbers: 
Shareholder Services - Toll Free: 800-522-6645 
TDD for Hearing Impaired: 800-952-9245 
Foreign Shareowners: 1-781-575-2879 

Website Address: 

Shareholder Online Inquiries: