What exchange is Exelixis traded on and what is your stock symbol?
Exelixis is listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol EXEL.
When was Exelixis founded?
Exelixis was founded and incorporated in 1994.
Where is Exelixis incorporated?
Exelixis is a Delaware corporation.
Where is Exelixis located?
Our mailing address is 1851 Harbor Bay Parkway, Alameda, CA 94502. Our phone number is 1-650-837-7000.
When did Exelixis go public?
Exelixis stock was first publicly traded on NASDAQ on April 10, 2000.
What is your stock's CUSIP #?
The CUSIP# for the Exelixis Common Stock is 30161Q104.
What is Exelixis’ fiscal year?
Exelixis has adopted a 52- or 53-week fiscal year that ends on the Friday closest to December 31st.
Can I purchase shares directly from the company?
Exelixis does not have a direct stock purchase plan. Shares may be purchased through a broker of your choice.
Do you have a DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment Plan)?
Exelixis does not pay a dividend and therefore does not have such a program.
How can I get a copy of Exelixis’ financial statements, such as an annual report, Form 10-K, or Form 10-Q?
Exelixis’ Form 10-Ks, Form 10-Qs and other reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission are available for viewing on the SEC Filings page at this location. Exelixis’ Annual Reports to Stockholders are available for viewing on the Annual Reports page at this location. To receive an automatic electronic link when the Annual Report or latest SEC filing is available, sign up for email alerts. Please help us save paper and mailing charges by viewing such documents online.
Who is Exelixis’ transfer agent?
Computershare Shareowner Services LLC: 1-877-813-9419
I've lost my stock certificates, who can replace them?
Please call Computershare Shareowner Services LLC: 1-877-813-9419
Whom should I notify in the event of a change of address?
Please call Computershare Shareowner Services LLC: 1-877-813-9419
Have you had any stock splits?
Exelixis has not had any stock splits.